National Federation of Parks and Green Spaces

National Federation of Parks and Green Spaces

The National Federation of Parks and Green Spaces (NFPGS) is the umbrella organisation that aims to amplify the voices of Friends Groups across the UK.

The Federation works with the dynamic and inspirational grassroots movement of over 6,000 local Friends of Parks groups, supporting volunteers who act on behalf of the communities who use and care about our vital public green spaces of all kinds. We exist to represent their activities, issues and concerns and strengthen their passionate and knowledgeable voices.

The Federation was constituted in 2010 by and for the Friends Groups movement. We aim to share learning, develop good practice, and strengthen grassroots organisation, coordination and co-operation throughout the UK. Most importantly, we raise the issues impacting on our open spaces, including seeking the effective protection and improvement of all the UK’s 27,000 public parks and green spaces. We successfully campaigned for a national inquiry into how to end the current underfunding crisis, and played a significant role in it.

We want to see an active Friends Group for every public green space, and an active and independent Forum run by such groups in every area throughout the UK.

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