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Find out what types of funding you can apply for depending on your legal structure.
It's really important when choosing your legal structure what you plan to do, as your legal structure can affect what funding you're able to apply for.
Company Limited by Guarantee (with charity status) (CLG)
- Can register as a charity
- Can access debt/borrowing
- Can NOT access equity or issue shares
Community Benefit Society
- Can register as a charity
- Can access debt/borrowing
- Can access equity or issue shares
Community Interest Company Limited by Guarantee (CIC)
- Can NOT register as a charity
- Can access debt/borrowing
- Can NOT access equity or issue shares
Community Interest Company Limited by Shares (CIC)
- Can NOT register as a charity
- Can access debt/borrowing
- Can access equity or issue shares
Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO)
- Can register as a charity
- Can access debt/borrowing
- Can NOT access equity or issue shares
Cooperative Society
- Can NOT register as a charity
- Can access debt/borrowing
- Can access equity or issue shares